Raney & Auburndale Intermediate
As part of our Measure GG improvement projects, Raney Intermediate and Auburndale Intermediate are preparing to break ground on brand-new gymnasiums for our students!
In addition to the gymnasiums, locker rooms have recently been updated at each site and new multi-purposefutsal courts which can be utilized for a variety of athletics including pickleball, tennis, and volleyball will be completed as part of this project.
Auburndale and Raney construction projects are scheduled to begin the week of Sept. 9, 2024 with anticipated completion dates in early 2026!
“This gymnasium represents a significant investment in our students and our community,” said Raney Principal Ana M. Luna. “We are so grateful for the community support of Measure GG which provided the funding for this project, and we are excited to see the benefits to our students for generations to come.”
The gymnasium will be constructed on the existing tennis courts, so students will not have access to the current tennis courts.
No impacts to pick-up or drop-off are anticipated.
Bike racks will be moved.
To ensure the safety of all students and staff, any construction work outside of the designated fenced-off construction area will only be completed outside of school hours and/or on non-school days.
Should you have any questions regarding these projects, please feel free to reach out to our site administration.