In alignment with State Legislation AB 272 and AB 3216 (Proposed) and under the direction of our Board of Education, the Corona Norco Unified School District has adopted a new cell phone policy to maximize student learning through elimination of distractions during instructional time.
Click the links above to view the Board Policy and Administrative Regulation odetails.
This policy is being rolled out at all sites starting January 2025, with full implementation expected at all sites starting in the 2025-26 school year.
Elementary & Intermediate School Students:
- Cell phones must be off or silenced all day.
- Cell Phones must be placed in the student’s backpack, locker, pocket, or other storage system.
High School Students:
- Cell phones must be off or silenced and away from bell to bell. They will only be available for use during non-instructional time only. (ex. Passing periods, lunches, etc.)
- Cell phones must be placed in the student’s backpack, locker, pocket, or other storage system.
Under the following circumstances, students shall not be prohibited from utilizing cell phones:
- In the case of an emergency or response to a perceived threat of danger.
- When a teacher or admin grants permission for a specific learning objective.
- When a licensed physician or surgeon determines the possession or use is necessary for the student’s health and well-being. (ex. diabetic student with blood sugar monitoring app)
- When the possession or use is required by the student’s IEP.