Centennial Students Place in County Competition
Centennial High Students Place at the Riverside County Programming Competition
Posted on 05/03/2021
RIVERSIDE - Intermediate and high school students competed against peers who share the same interest and passion for programming at the 2021 Riverside County Programming Virtual Competition held on April 21, 2021.
After hours of coding problems, Centennial High School Coding Athletes, Taeksoo Kwon, took 1st place, and Noe Martinez, placed 2nd in the entire county.
"So proud of these young men. Computer science is the science of solving problems and really teaches people how to think! These two really work hard day in and day out to master this concept. They have improved tremendously over the last school year and exemplify what our program at Centennial is all about: character, problem-solving and hard work! I cannot wait to see what they accomplish after high school," said Centennial High School Teacher Brian Kenney.