CORONA - On March 11, approximately 650 students converged at Corona High School for CNUSD's annual Math Field Day where 5-8th graders competed in mathematics based games.
This year, coordinators selected the following values for the event to celebrate: collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking. With these as the backdrop, coordinators settled on the following three major events- Games (consists of 5 individual games: Hex, Capture, 5 in a Row, 3D tic tac toe, and Mancala), Construction Derby, and an Escape Room.
For the Games, students spent months specializing in a particular game. Students compete against other students in the same grade from across the district. For grades 5&6, two students per school competed in each game. For grades 7&8, three students per school competed in each game. After 7 rounds, a final tournament of the top 8 competitors took place with the top 3 performers winning medals.
For the Construction Derby, small groups of students were provided materials to make a balloon propelled car. They had 20 minutes to plan and execute their design. They too competed against other students from the same grade. The teams whose cars traveled the furthest received medals.
And the Escape Room featured 5 challenging math problems where students in small groups competed to complete in the fastest time possible.
Thank you to the dozens of coordinators and the district math team for their tireless efforts to provide an amazing experience for our students.
For the full list of winners/leaderboard, click here.