Michelle Castillo, counselor for Corona-Norco Unified School District, was recently honored as the Friday Night Live (FNL) Advisor of the Year. Michelle has been a long-time member of the Riverside County Tobacco Free Communities coalition working with the Corona-Norco UCANSTOP program. Michelle became the advisor of the UNITY Youth Advocacy Council (YAC) over 5 years ago. Her students have become passionate tobacco-free advocates through activities such as developing and presenting tobacco prevention workshops to both adults and peers.
A couple of years ago, Michelle believed that it would be a perfect opportunity for YAC to become an FNL chapter as their missions are very similar and this would give the students more leadership opportunities. Through this collaboration and Michelle’s leadership, the students have had the opportunity to develop and lead workshops at several local and statewide conferences such as the Teens Tackle Tobacco at Berkeley, the Friday Night Live Partnership Youth Summit in Anaheim and student led Fentanyl educational presentations to adults and students in our community. These opportunities also helped her students to enhance their public speaking skills and self-esteem.
Being selected to present at a state-wide conference breakout is no easy feat. Michelle mentors the students in the application process, mentors the students as they research and prepare the presentation curriculum, assists in reviewing icebreakers, crafts and preparing all needed materials and supplies. These presentations focus on the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs while most importantly encouraging a positive tobacco-free, drug-free lifestyle.
Students in YAC have also learned the importance of community service and giving back to their schools and community. Michelle’s students participated in the annual Coastal Clean-Up, and local park clean-ups, doing their part to help save the environment by collecting tobacco related litter. They learned the importance and meaning of Red Ribbon and volunteered at the awards celebration evening. They were also invited and attended the San Diego FNL, Active Youth Conference where they continued to enhance their leadership skills.
Many of Michelle’s YAC/FNL students have become recognized student leaders on their school campuses and beyond. Two talented young women were chosen as representatives to state-wide leadership boards. Noor Kafala was selected as the Riverside County representative on the statewide Friday Night Live Partnership Youth Council and Abigail Copat was chosen as a representative on California TUPE Academy Youth Leadership Board.
Michelle is an amazing, dedicated and passionate advisor, spending many hours to ensure the success of the club and students. We are proud of Michelle and the excellent tobacco prevention work she and her students have accomplished. Congratulations on being named the Riverside County Friday Night Live Advisor of the Year!