You’re invited to the 2023 State of the District event at Norco High School on October 12, 2023.
Community, students, and staff are all invited to attend this prestigious event.
The evening will begin with a Meet and Greet reception with District Leaders from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. (appetizers and desserts will be provided). At 6 p.m. we will begin our State of the District Program which will include critical updates from our Superintendent, the presentation of the CNUSD Legacy Award, and several performances from CNUSD students.
It will be a night to remember, and we hope you’ll join us!
Seating is limited to 500 people, so we ask that you please reserve your spot by RSVP’ing at the link below. (The program will be livestreamed to YouTube as well so viewers can tune in from home!)