Earlier this year, Corona High School Automotive Technology students took on a Jeep restoration project for a local Norco family, the Porters. Shane Porter, a retired Fire Captain, had purchased a 1969 Jeepster Commando to restore with his wife Tigger and his sons Michael & Tim. Unfortunately, Shane passed away from job-related cancer last year.
“Shane believed in giving back,” said Tigger. "He was always giving back to the community.”
From volunteering for the city to mentoring youth, Shane was dedicated to improving the lives of those around him. For years he volunteered for Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, PTA, City of Norco, Norco High Football, and much more.
After learning about the unfinished jeep project, Corona High Automotive Technology Instructor, Bob Mauger, decided to take on the restoration project with his students with the end goal of returning the Jeep to the Porter family. Throughout the past school year, students performed engine work, fixed electrical issues, repaired the cooling system, sealed the transmission and transfer case, completed rust repair, and gave it a shiny new paint job.
On Thursday, July 27th, 2023, the 1969 Jeepster Commando was returned to the Porter family.
“For me, it not just about teaching my students how to diagnose and repair vehicles,” said Mauger. “It’s about teaching them how to be good humans and to give back to the community. I am so proud of my students for all of the time and hard work they put into this restoration project for the Porter family.”