Vicentia Elementary Teacher Receives American Literacy Corporation Award
Catherine Hilger, a teacher at Vicentia Elementary, has been awarded one of the 2020-2021 "Outstanding Contributions to Literacy" awards by the American Literacy Corporation. This award will be presented at a virtual celebration reception held on November 7, 2021.
The American Literacy Corporation (ALC), a nonprofit organization, annually grants $2,000 awards to selected teachers and certificated support personnel in grades Transitional Kindergarten through eighth grade. These are enthusiastic teachers who create an environment of success, where students are excited and motivated to learn. These outstanding teachers serve as leaders in their own schools, districts, and communities. Winners also receive a $500 grant to be used for a school-wide literacy event.
ALC was founded in 1992 by the late Dr.Jo Stanchfield, Professor Emeritus at Occidental College, to recognize and reward outstanding teachers who significantly increase the literacy level of their students. More than 225 California teachers have received this award since that time.